Can Dreams Help You in Your Daily Life?
Dear Bonnie: My dreams lately have been very vivid and almost magical. Can they be trying to tell me something? I went to bed thinking about a problem I am having with a coworker, and I think my spirit team was trying to tell me something. Upon waking up I felt much better about the situation and my thoughts about the person seemed to have been brought to more of an understanding of why she was acting a certain way towards me. Can this be true? Am I getting help from the other side with daily life situations? Thanks Carly

Dear Carly, dreams can serve as more than just random images and scenarios that play out during sleep. They can be a source of inspiration, problem-solving, and emotional processing. Here are some ways in which dreams might impact your daily life:
Some dreams may be your subconscious mind helping you to navigate through life and others could be an act of your spirit team helping you through the daily day to day life scenarios. Here is a list of some well-known dream states.
. Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreams occur when the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and can often control the dream's direction. These dreams can be empowering, allowing individuals to explore their subconscious, practice skills, or confront fears in a controlled environment.
2. Nightmares
Nightmares are distressing dreams that evoke fear, anxiety, or sadness. They often stem from unresolved conflicts, traumatic experiences, or stress. While unpleasant, nightmares can serve as a way to process and confront negative emotions.
3. Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams are those that repeat over time, often with similar themes or scenarios. These dreams may indicate unresolved issues or persistent thoughts that need addressing. Paying attention to recurring dreams can provide valuable insights into ongoing concerns.
4. Prophetic Dreams
Prophetic dreams, also known as precognitive dreams, are believed to predict future events. While there is no scientific evidence to support the accuracy of such dreams, many individuals report experiencing them. These dreams can reflect the dreamer's hopes, fears, or intuition about future possibilities.
5. Healing Dreams
Healing dreams focus on the dreamer's physical or emotional well-being. They can provide insights into health issues or offer guidance on how to manage stress and emotional challenges. These dreams often leave the dreamer with a sense of clarity and calm.
6. Daydreams
Daydreams occur while the individual is awake but lost in thought. These mental escapades can provide a break from reality, allowing the mind to wander and explore creative ideas or unresolved issues. Daydreaming can enhance problem-solving and creativity by offering a different perspective.
 Understanding the various types of dreams can help individuals harness their potential and gain valuable insights into their inner world. Whether through vivid nightmares or serene daydreams, dreams hold the power to enrich and enhance our waking lives. Don’t forget your spirit team, Spirit Teachers, and Ancestors all can play a meaningful role in your waking mind and while you are sleeping. I always tell my clients to have a journal next to your bed and when waking up from any type of dream to write it down. Even if it doesn’t make sense there will be a meaning to your dreams or daydreams. Then take a moment to silence your waking brain, connect to spirit by closing your eyes, taking a few breaths, and then sending up a thought to Heaven. What did this dream mean? Wait for the answer and be patient, the answer might not come instantly but may show up during the day in a thought or a sign sent to you in a way you would understand.
Sweet dreams and happy daydreaming.
Bonnie Page is a psychic medium, reiki master, and certified life coach. If you would like to ask Bonnie a question for her column please sent it to If you would like to learn more about Bonnie and her readings please visit her website or call her office 978-297-9790.